Who we are

Flying Squads is a youth liberation and anti-oppression collective. We believe in the abolition of divided spaces between young people and the rest of their community. This means that Flying Squads step out of the classroom and off the playground and into public space as a form of youth activism.

our friends Ben and Genevieve spent time with the Grand Rapids Flying Squad and included their experiences in their film project

Our Values

  • Young people’s rights are respected here. Go here for more on this.

  • Flying Squads are consent-based. If you are signing up for your child make sure to get their consent and agreement before doing so.

  • We are committed to intentional and continual anti-oppression work and will not tolerate overt or covert racism and bigotry. Go here for more on the issues of SDE and centering whiteness.

  • We believe in community, mutual aid, and taking care of one another. These values are reflected in how we work through what we want to do each day, how we address conflict, and how we interact with one another, both within individual Flying Squads, and within our network of facilitators and groups.